Friday, March 27, 2009


So, today, I finally decided to create a proper blog.
Coincidentally, today was also IAC. 
I'm patrol leader of Tiger, along with Alex.  :)
I suddenly feel like I need to thank a lot of people, without whom this would not be possible
From the sec 4 batch
Tat, for being the model for a great leader, and Shaun, for generally being awesome.
Nick Eu, for setting a skill standard I have sworn to overcome
Jon See, cause every leader needs motivational skills (which jonz posesses)
Sam Chua, the responsible guy (something i really need to learn as well :p)
Russell, for all the wise words and funny antics (happy new year!)
Sam Swee and all the ex-APLs, for being nice.

And from my batch,
Phang, for being a great friend n stuff
Alex...even though we have our disagreements, we still make an awesome team!
Ernest, for a lot of stuff, some of which might lead to ISA detention if published
ehh,, basically you all rock, ok?

Not forgetting

It's not going to be easy, but I'm going to make this work. somehow. 
I recall my sec1 year, when Marc was really patient with me and taught me everything I needed to know.
well, as an impatient person, i just will have to help my sec1s out. 
no cursing, no random scolding, no random pumping (sorry ks)
instead, structured scolding, occasional pumping, yay.
Planning to make an emo version of this post on my alternate blog. Just for lulz.

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