Monday, March 30, 2009

skating n frens

so today's cca was skating lessons, pretty fun.
i realised that i forgot how to skate and fell over a few times
played several games, learned several techniques. whoots.
after cca, discussed friends with phang.
he said that there are different types of friends.
the random acquaintances, of whom i have countless numbers
the people i c on a day to day basis-all my classmates and former classmates, a large number of ccamates. these are the people who, if i get into a fight with, will not bother trying to repair the relationship.
the people whom i trust with my thoughts-basically only my 02 batchmates, plus my ysg. i won't tell you guys anything usually, but if something spills out, i won't threaten death.
the people whom i will tell some of my feelings to- errr.....phang, i guess, ernest? marcus? very few, of course
the people whom i will tell everything--NOBODY, and proud of it. 

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