Sunday, April 26, 2009


last night was 01 campfire! it was really fun, especially since it was at sarimbun. alot of the old 01 scouts came down (REALLY old). the campfire burnt a bit too fast cos of all the kerosene, but it was awesome compared to the OTHER campfire I attended this year. The performances were good and the games were quite fun (I dumped Jervan on the stage for the dancing game, where he promptly failed.) There were a lot of songs and random stuff commenting on how Scouting has changed over the last 75 years, like less outdoor activities and more PSPing. We ended with the scout hymn, after which we bussed back to school, playing gish all the way.

today@combined service, pastor adriel talked about "supercharging" faith. he mentioned all the negative emotions like anxiety, guilt, anger and how they're results of our wrong faith. the sermon was really relevant cos i think a lot of us (myself included) are feeling like this, what with exams and such. It really helps to realise where you're going wrong and try to correct it. 


    It only takes a spark to get a fire going,
    And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing;
    That's how it is with God's Love,
    Once you've experienced it,
    Your spread the love to everyone
    You want to pass it on.

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