Monday, April 27, 2009


aah today was weird
first chinese, we watched a random video about tibet (???)
then CLE, where kiap guailan us about our no-effort class deco, suggested that me and pengyoun put up a micro-pioneering structure.
hello, the last time i did a micro-pioneering structure, i burned a hole in my leg
and that was for the decoration of the scout den and for my craftsman profy
not some gimmick to be stuck on the walls of my class.
it didn't even look that nice anyway
but tbh we could have done better, of course

im totally blur about stoichiometry
aaand today was camp briefing and patrol games
camp theme:star wars
but the theme really doesn't make a diff, it's just a package of testing, pumping and batch spirit differently wrapped.
i really hope tiger can step up to the challenge
speaking of which, patrol games:
dog and bone we failed. drew with shark. wai chong complained about violent play (oops :p)
frisbee was fun, won 4-2. (need to watch my mouth)
and captain's ball
after a long and arduous match, we finally won
after cca we played bball
and lost to bb (despite winning inter-ug soccer)

and time for the quote of the day
me and joshua playing gish:
russell guailanning someone walking across the frisbee court
"oi, get out of our court"
"leggo of my arm"
*fight breaks out*

Mrs Goh: "What is a feature of socialism"
June Hong (quietly)
"Red, like Liverpool"

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