Wednesday, April 22, 2009

random stuff

ahh all the random crap to talk about today.
first i woke up realising that i had to hand in my progress report. and promptly forgot to bring it. oops.
i went to school and felt random, so played l4d in the morning using a touchpad. melee heavy.
mrs neoh screwed me over for not bringing my PR. 
then there was bio. we were doing the enzymes thing in the lab. instead of dropping in the enzyme drop by drop using the syringe gun (oops, too much tf2), I squirted the entire contents into the CaCl solution. the resulting product was alternatively described as "glass noodles" or "chicken droppings", incurring the wrath of Wally Wan. haha
then there was chinese, throughout which the whole class was slacking
and RE. foo was insulting ernx again. (as usual) and we were all randomly fbing rather than working. it's funny to see your friends online on msn while doing re. shawn was talking to me when ms. tang was here (oops)
i didn't get into hillary challenge. thank goodness. 
altho im a little disappointed.
PM was funny. signalling.
off to mug. scorchie signing off
Quote of the day!
Nicholas says:
hav u seen me pissed b4? 
Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) says:
not very
Nicholas says:
Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) says:
Nicholas says:
when hav u seen me slightly pissed?
Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) says:
Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) says:
cant remember
Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) says:
but i recall you having that look on your face
Nicholas says:
what look?
Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) says:
the slightly pissed one
Nicholas says:
Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) says:
just let me mug in peace for my TA

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