Tuesday, April 14, 2009


no lit test today(yes!)
i half-slept through the last 3 periods. no idea why i was so tired.
maldcruz says i need to improve my reading.
how dare she. 
my reading is PERFECT. you just weren't listening 
really need to get training for NAPFA (and Hillary Challenge) cos my fitness is down the drain.
went to run today, on the canal bed just for a change. i saw a lot of birds.
unlike NPC last year, i don't mind if i don't get into HC. ofcourse i want to go very much, but, to quote sam, "Scouting is about going outdoors and doing screwy stuff, not about competitions".
there was the ongoing discussion with ernest about the way scouting in singapore is going.
it's supposed to be a self-interest group, but singapore turns it into a UG. instead of focusing on camping and hiking and survival skills, we turn it into marching, discipline, esprit de corps with foolish rules like "don't wear a watch with uniform". hello, what happened to "be prepared"?
what remains of skills are twisted into standards and tests and proficiency badges.
that's why i am determined to cover my sleeve with enough profies to make it bulletproof.
02 is a lot better than other schools when it comes to skills tho. @lorequest '08, nobody except for us recognised the crown knot. at PLTC, nobody from other schools had any idea how to make traps, shelters, or tie knots outside the six tenderfoot. 
found out how much reputation means.
one of my friends was threatening one of my other friends for telling me that he plays (an unknown instrument) 
he did this because i asked him in the morning "do you play guitar, clarinet or (instrument)?" he told me he doesn't play guitar, and clarinet is for losers (quoting his maths teacher as an example). then he deduced that since i mentioned guitar, it must have been my other friend who told me that he plays (instrument), and swore to kill the guy.
i do not see the logic
i threatened him and made him promise not to kill my friend, quoting several different knives, a blowtorch and other painful things.
ofc, i would never hurt him with a knife (or anyone else ftm.) but since last year, where i obtained a rep as "the crazy, violent guy"...
im actually trying to tone down the hurts, but my mind has been pretty much conditioned. You know what they say, if you tell yourself that you are something long enough, act like it even, soon it'll become part of you. So far this year, all the nasty stuff remains in my head. 
anyway, the matter has been peacefully resolved. hooray for irony.
Quote of the Day:
"Why, exactly, do you have a device that can generate a 1300C flame?"

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